Smoking Weed Literally Ruined my Body

Like the title says smoking weed literally ruined my body. I haven’t smoked in 3 days, going on 4 and my digestive system is fucked up. I’ve been smoking everyday for the past 3 years for a little background.

  1. No matter what I eat (could be one strawberry) I instantly bloat like a fucking whale.
  2. I’m tired ALL THE TIME. Doesn’t matter if I take a nap I’m still EXHAUSTED 2 hours later.
  3. I could eat an entire meal. I could eat everything in sight and still be STARVING right after. Nothing quenches my hunger.
  4. I haven’t had a normal bowel movement. When I wake up every morning I literally have to shit right away. Like it’s an EMERGENCY. And when I do there’s so much mucus in my stool. And then I won’t have to shit for the rest of the day. Probably hence the bloating.

Please for the love of god tell me these symptoms will go away. I’m at my wits end with how screwed up my body is. I exercise extensively every day and it’s like it doesn’t make an ounce of difference. My body is the exact same.

So moral of the story. DON’T DO IT!