Does anyone else feel a bit confused about manifesting?

It is so confusing,everyone Is telling you something different,some people say emotions don't matter when you're manifesting some say it's the main thing,same with thoughts. Some say to let go some say it's okay to think about your desire.

Its just all mixing up and I don't know what methods to use anymore or how to do it. Do I feel it? Do I just think it? How do I even embody being the person that has it when that makes me feel insane,I feel like manifestation is getting hard??

I guess its cause im just so confused,I robotic affirm and I feel the emotions and stuff and like I act as if I have the thing but im just loosing hope It's exhausting to always repeat the affirmations and feel as if you have it when the 3d is telling you otherwise. I repeat to my self the 3d is not real but how isn't it,some people are saying the 3d is just your past thoughts some say it's a reflection of you? So how do I change it,I just don't get it anymore please someone explain manifesting to me and how I should do it (I'm trying to get my sp).