karma just being fucking rude

i don’t have specific videos cus i genuinely don’t gaf enough to screen record any of her shit BUT from the times i’ve watched, she is fucking rude as shit 😭 someone will ask her a question and she will be vicious when responding, like someone said “u should drink with the girls” and she literally says “i don’t fucking drink and if you knew me youd know that” idk what she said word for word BUT DAMN!!! she doesn’t say thank you, she doesn’t say like love you guys bye she says “im ending the live. 😑” like bro me personally? if i had 200 people telling me im beautiful and saying nice things in my chat, id never shut up saying thank you, she is genuinely entitled as fuck and just straight mean. the only thing i could think is “we are giving the wrong people a platform”, can she just be a nice person? then maybe she wouldn’t have a snark page made already when she has less than 50,000 followers on both pages combined! without cora absolutely no one would know her, she needs to be grateful she has anyone following her bc if they weren’t dick suckers, no one would comment nice things on her shit! just scroll thru the snark the “i hate you guys” because she got a couple hate comments is telling, and there was still a commenter talkin bout “i love u girl” PLEASE