Manager refusing to talk until day is over
Didn't know what to tag it as with a flair. But moving on I called in and left early because of a death in the family. My boss when I left early didn't seem too happy with it. I didn't get bereavement because it was my uncle but it was still hard. This was three days ago. Moving on, I come into work yesterday and today. Yesterday my numbers worked and today they don't. My boss wasn't there yesterday but was today. They didn't work on anything, not to punch, not on our apps, nothing. So I go to her and ask multiple times can we talk about it and she keeps telling me later we need to get truck done. So we finish unloading and we are all on break and I ask again and I get told to wait until later she has things to do and we need to get the stuff unstocked. Is this suspicious activity or am I overthinking? I think I'm being used for the truck too get it done then gonna be released when the day is over as she won't talk to me about it.