Top 10 ways to binge watch Jake and Amir!!
(Give me Jake style reactions to any one of these or all of these)
Number ten- You ever heard of a hen? Not the kind that'd hunted by a fox, rather the kind that's loved by Rick Fox!! Start with the four part series starring the former NBA star, and you will go far... into the binge.
Number nine- Wine and Dine! If you wanna see Emily with her hairy legs, Murph with his scary pecs and Niko on her many texts, then this is the perfect sketch. The four part series where Jake tries to get laid, look no further than Dinner Date!
Number eight- An episode series so great that you wouldn't wanna miss it, mate! Watch Jake and Amir fight over Leron-uh? until her very end in the series titled "Girlfriend".
Number seven- A Corrigan named Kevin. In the only episode featuring this bearded freak, the little dance that Amir does is pretty neat. Go watch it, ya rube! I think its called "YouTube"?
Number six- Get your Allison Williams fix! If you wanna see her play a character just as goofy and silly as the one in Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele- watch the two episodes titled Cher-eel.
Number five- Mickey my friend, how are you alive? With the way Amir constantly bullies you Mickey, I frankly thought you'd have bitten the bullet, Mickey. Anyway, number five on this list, Mickey, is any episode where Amir calls you Mickey! Or any episode where you call him, Mickey! Mickey!
Number four- Shut the door! Yes, its true that any episode featuring this mysterious phantom will have you laughing rolling on the floor. He goes by many names - Sulu Candles, Cherry Dude and Scawbylawsus Jim to name three or four. And yes, drinking his ancient milk might help if you're sick but don't let him get too close because he'll try to suck your d-
Number three- Fashion advise for free! Pump the brakes because - An insecure Jake doesn't make fashion mistakes and instead makes all the ladies say "Take me now, you snake!"
Number two- No need to wonder who. He went to school with Amir and was kissed by his father dear. I promise you that any episode featuring Doobs will have you in tears. If not, I will shear my rear.
Number one- Simple and fun! Any episode with Jake's narration about Amir's humiliation could give your entire nation an eternal salvation. Whether you're sitting on a chair or laying in bed under your wraps, let me tell you this, chaps. Jake and Amir series absolutely slaps. And now... I will wait for my slow claps.