Starting or Doing Business in Ireland
I used to study here on Ireland and I've been looking to do business in Ireland, although I have friends from university days that I have also been asking about this subject, I think more opinions can only help me give more perspective.
So basically I have two considerations:
I have a tech company from outside of Ireland that can cater to clients here and do business from overseas.
I can also establish a business here with a partner company overseas.
Run a marketing or importation business in Ireland with the help of my contacts fron Continental Europe.
However, I have two considerations:
I am not yet a resident, though I've resided in Ireland under a student visa.
I am not yet sure if I will stay for a long time in Ireland, but I am sure I want to do business here.
I don't want to work via employment which is why I am looking to do business to sustain my stay in Ireland.
These are the broad ideas I'm still wrestling with so I don't know how to proceed with the rest of the plan yet.
Hope you guys could help me out.