Is it mean to treat extroverts like they treat introvert?

So I get constantly hit with the “wow you’re so calm.”, “Omg they can speak!” Or “you’re so quiet” and all I want to say to that is“wow you’re so loud!”, “Omg, they shut up!”. But I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel insecure. Would I be in the wrong? I’m still going to say these things but I’m just curious.

I really am annoyed that it’s normal for me to be treated like this, but if I do it… OmO

Edit: I feel the need to add that I have nothing against extroverts. Just those who SPECIFICALLY say shit like this.

Edit2: Also I want to say that what annoys me here is that there is a double standard. It is normalized that people say these type of things to introverts but if we turn it around. It’s considered rude. Both way is rude let’s be honest here. But one is way more accepted than the other.

Edit3 hopefully the last one: I can’t believe that I have to specify this but please people don’t go shitting on every extrovert just because there are a few annoying ones. This is not an extrovert slander, this is a slander to DISRESPECTFUL extroverts.