Buying my first new bike. Very confused :/

So went to the Hero dealership in my city (Chandigarh). I wanted to get an Xpulse. The salesman told me that there are just 2 Xpulse variants. Later I found out that there is Xpulse 200T as well.

I asked him if I could test drive. He said that test drive is allowed only for vehicles below or 125cc (Xtreme).

The showroom had no Xpulse on display. He told me that I would have to pay a booking fees of ₹5000. He told me that fees was refundable but it couldn't be discounted. He also said that the prices were fixed and there were no discounts whatsoever.

He quoted me 1.47 for standard Xpulse that will be 1.73 onroad.

I am getting a very lying/conniving vibe from the salesman and I don't know what to do.

There's no other hero dealership in the city afaik and I don't think I can go to another city (like Delhi) and buy it because of the charges etc.

What do you guys think? This is my first bike (and I have been riding for 15 years) and I am really in doldrums.

Can anyone please guide me?