The US Government pays you $10,000 yearly if your kid uses their phones less than 30 minutes per day.
Government announces a new program that pays you if your kid (ages 2-18) uses their phones or tablet less than 30 minutes per day.
An app can be placed on their divice that makes it unusable after 30 minutes.
The calling feature is still available, as are select educational apps they may need for school.
You can be paid more for multiple kids, but each additional child is only $3k annually with a total payment cap at $22k per year.
Trying to “cheat the system” by having multiple phones, hacking usable apps, or claiming false children is liable for fraud and can be punished with heavy fines and prison time.
Any adult can take the deal for themselves, but only for an additional $5k. (If doing this, the cap could be $32k per household)
Do you take the deal or pass?