bad breath

this is a throwaway account for obvious reasons.

i've always struggled with brushing and flossing at night (because of depression and ADHD) but i've been managing to at least brush at night for the past two weeks. i notice a change in the severity of my morning breath but i don't notice a change in my breathe throughout the day. my breath gets bad/stale about an hour after brushing. what do i do? is it gonna take longer to notice a difference? i've also started taking parsley pills because i heard it helps freshen breath from the inside out.

also, what is your breath supposed to smell like throughout the day? most of the time, i notice that other people's breath also smells bad/not great but no one comments on it.

i do try and check for tonsil stones but 98% of the time, nothing comes out.

EDIT: i always brush in the morning. i scrap my tongue with a tongue scraper and use mouthwash.