Anybody experience disproportionate empathy?
I've been HSP my whole life but just recently learned the name for it and after finding this subreddit I wonder if any other HSPs have experience with what I call "disproportionate empathy" (for lack of a better phrase)? Example: my trigger is seeing an older gentleman eating alone...even if they look perfectly fine, just eatin some grub in a restaurant during lunch or something. I instantly feel heartbroken and it takes everything in me to not burst into tears, I can't eat or think about anything else and all I want to do is leave. My mind and emotions and body react like I'm about to witness the man face a firing squad instead of his next bite of food! Meanwhile, I see a homeless person and I feel empathetic towards them but nowhere NEAR that level. I first experienced it in my teenage years and I have no past trauma linking to this specific trigger. It's not my only trigger either. It's as irrational as when I was pregnant and cried like crazy at a paper towel commercial, but I know that was because I was hormonal.