Throwing enbies under the bus won't save you, and it never would have. Look at history.
Some people claim that trans people wouldn’t be under attack today if the community had only included binary trans people and framed it purely as a medical condition. This argument is not just cruel, but it’s historically false.
Fascists don’t need a reason to attack us. They will always create one. The idea that we’d be “safe” if we distanced ourselves from nonbinary people is a lie, and history proves it.
In WWII, the Nazis Didn’t Care About Medical Legitimacy. In the 1930s, Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Germany was one of the first medical clinics to provide HRT and gender-affirming surgeries for binary trans people. It was a strictly medical approach. Hirschfeld was a doctor, his patients were diagnosed, and it was all backed by science.
Did that protect them? No. The Nazis burned the institute to the ground, destroyed decades of research, and sent trans people to concentration camps wearing a black triangle (used for those deemed “asocial”). They didn’t care that it was a "serious medical condition". They saw trans people, binary or not, as a threat to their vision of gender roles and racial purity.
In 20th century Psychiatric Asylums there was medical erasure. Even when transness was seen as a medical condition, it wasn’t respected, it was punished. In the mid-20th century, binary trans people were institutionalized, forcibly sterilized, or subjected to conversion therapy. Many were locked in asylums and treated like test subjects rather than patients.
Historically, when trans people were acknowledged medically, it was often through gatekeeping and control, not respect. The idea that "if we were just serious about it, they’d respect us" is ridiculous when the people in power have shown, time and time again, that they don’t care about medical legitimacy. They care about enforcing their version of gender and crushing anything that challenges it.
The current genocide has nothing to do With nonbinary people. What’s happening now isn’t about too many identities or the inclusion of enbies, it’s about control. Laws banning gender-affirming care don’t make exceptions for binary trans people. Right-wing extremists don’t differentiate between binary and nonbinary people when they call for bans, violence, and extermination. To them, we are all the same enemy.
Throwing nonbinary people under the bus won’t stop fascists from coming for you. They always find a new reason to attack, a new group to target, and a new excuse to take away their rights. History proves it.
So if your survival plan is hoping they’ll spare you for being the "right kind" of trans, you’re playing a game that has never once worked. Solidarity is the only way forward.
If you get nasty towards me or enbies, then I will tell the mods. Keep it civil or move on. I'm a binary trans man, but I still don't appreciate seeing nonbinary people get attacked.