Thoughts on 50/50 dates regarding to my boyfriend (15M) and I (16F)’s situation?
I feel very controversial about this topic because I’m Asian and we have this thing where it’s mostly the guy who pays for dates. And there’s a saying that’s like: a guy spending money on you doesn’t mean he loves you, but a guy not spending money on you means that he doesn’t love you (sloppy translation). I’ve been growing around this mindset so it’s somewhat stuck to me.
My boyfriend is white, we’ve been dating for not too long and it kinda seems like he believes in 50/50, we haven’t had a real date yet so I’m not too sure. He is pretty generous and not stingy on gifts at all honestly. (I would gift back with around the same value of course).
We are both high school students and currently jobless, so I would 100% understand if we do 50/50 on dates. But like at the same time my older sister keeps telling me that a guy should pay for the dates, or at least the first date whatsoever. So I have this very controversial feeling.
I mean honestly if we went on a date and we do 50/50 I would prolly not throw a fit or anything and do it, but I would be slightly (?) disappointed. I don’t understand my mentality, is anyone able to talk me through this? What is right and what is not? Much appreciated.