My wishlist for buffs/reworks next patch

Dirdra is awful, so giving it \"extra stats\" to compensate for nerfing you deck and adding even more draw seems reasonable to me.

Mothership is too expensive for absolute no reason just like most of Protoss. I decided to reduce its attack just to be safe against too early lethals from a value engine.

I only added 1 hp and shifted 1 attack to health so Hellion/Hellbat actually has a good chance at living long enough to be good.

Bunker is bad, but I already buffed Hellion, so I'm just adding 1 extra mana cheat help for Paladin.

Same reasons as Mothership, but it is worse in the current state so it gets a better buff. A simple pile of stats usually doesn't do enough even at Standard right now, so I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be an issue.

It is the only \"safe\" buff I could think for Rogue. I'm a Rogue main and I think that the Archon combo is close enough to be good that is doesn't need much.

Most Warriors are already using other Terran cards but not this guy. I think he needs just a little help.

This simply makes the card more insteresting overall, making it more similar to evo chamber from Hunter. I also was afraid of buffing the other 2 Zerg cards because they are situationally usefull when generated by other classes.

Honeslty I think it would be fine even at 5 mana, 8 was insane, especially because they excluded the best possible murloc from the pool.

Most Protoss decks (other than Priest) can't get enough minions. This solves the problem and fits perfectly in flavor, but I was afraid of giving too many, especially to Mage, so I took 1 durability. Could also buff the mana cheat to 4, but reducing the cost to 3 seems risky to me.

I'm more focused on the mini set, but I had to give Dirdra something. There is still a lot to buff from Draenei and the last expansion too, but I think Draenei are boring so I didn't came up with anything.