Problem with OpenCore configuration
Hey everyone,
First off, here is the information that I see is commonly asked for on forums:
- I'm on a Dell Latitude 5500 with an intel i5 8th Generation(Coffee Lake)
- Secure Boot is Disables
- SATA Configuration is set to AHCI
- OpenCore v0.9.9
I started the adventure of installing MacOS on Windows a few days ago, after a couple of hours (more than I'd like to admit I) finally finished the OpenCore guide and the youtube video I was watching following it, I was pretty confident everything would work since I had followed the guide very carefully but when I went to my boot menu there was nothing there. I could see the normal windows boot option, the ubtunu boot option, but not the OpenCore boot option that should appear (I did make sure the USB was properly plugged in and that the problem wasn't with the USB port). I went back into linux mint, rewatached the entire youtube video to make sure i did not miss anything and reread the guide but still i could not find anything. I thought that I might have formated/setup the USB wrong so I transfered my files to another usb, redid that process, and transfered the files back onto it. I went back into the Boot Menu but still nothing. I then went on to check my config.plist file for errors and it gave me two. The first one said that I was missing my HfsPlus.efi and OpenRuntime.efi files in my Drivers section under UEFI, but I checked and they are there and in the Drivers folder in the USB stick. The second (type of) error it gave me was that i did not have the correct number of settings in the ProtocolOverrides and Input section but i don't understand that as the guide does not mention anything about it. I apologize if this is a dumb mistake and so simple that it is not worthy of a post on here but I am really stuck.
Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.
EDIT: I realized I was using an old checker to check my config.plist file, used a new one, fixed all the errors, but still no luck. OpenCore does not show up in in my Boot Menu
EDIT2: Thanks to jlavoieqc, I was able to get everything running, thank you to everyone in the comments who tried to help me. Thank you everyone.