"Dedicated Google Account Strategists" Have Crossed The Line

This post is mostly to vent, but let me know if you have happened to find a way out of this.

I have absolutely had it with the third-party Google Account Strategists who call you every single day. 3 out of the past 4 work days, they have called me between 6am-7am (is this even legal?). I usually wake up at 8am and I sleep with my phone volume on in case of emergencies so you could imagine how livid I was when I was woken up for the 3rd straight morning at 6:15am by these guys.

As many numbers as I can block and as many responses I can send saying please remove me from communications, it never ends.

The absolute worst thing they have done that completely crossed the line is sent an outreach email with a list of the clients in our manager account and had 5 of my current clients and 2 of my former clients ALL CC'd TOGETHER ON THE THREAD. One of my former clients they CC'd's account wasn't even in our manager account anymore.

They also repeated something like this yesterday by sending an outreach email to me about a pool servicing business I work for but they CC'd one of my restaurant clients who has nothing to do with that business.

How, how, how? How are they this incompetent? How can I get them to leave me alone for good?