Hot take: people only hate on Avernus because a youtuber told them to.
I honestly think Avernus looks really good and is not a bad level by any means. Everyone hates on it because the ‘gameplay is bad’ and it has ‘fixed hitboxes.’ But in reality, who the hell cares? First of all, very few people on earth have the ability to get past 2% on the level anyway, so why does gameplay matter lol. Also, the only player with a record on the level, Diamond, literally said the gameplay was fun. Zoink also had “7/10 enjoyment” of the level.
And yes, the level is hell themed, but imo it’s one of the best looking hell themed extremes. It’s detailed, the colors look great and the ethereal sounding song makes for a really cool atmosphere. Not “generic” by any means.
So yeah, the Avernus hate train is super cringe and proves that most of the gd community are 11 year olds that can’t form their own opinion and only listen to what YouTubers say. If no youtuber said anything about the level i guarantee it wouldn’t be getting hate. Go ahead and downvote me idc