I have aphantasia. Can I be successful without the ability to visualize? What should I do instead?

I’m very excited to start the tapes. I’ve read many posts and a lot of them reference visualizing in some fashion. I have aphantasia, which means I lack a mind’s eye. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a spectrum. Say I ask you to visualize an apple. If you’re like most people, you can see the apple either as fuzzy and indistinct or at the upper end of the spectrum, you might see a fully formed, red apple, be able to rotate it in your mind, etc. At the high end, it would be like a movie of an apple. The folks that see in full color and with a lot of detail are ones. I am a five. When I try to visualize an apple, I see the black behind my eyeballs. In other words, nothing. It’s a funny condition because I don’t have visual imagery. Instead, I think about characteristics of an apple and kind of list them in my mind. I can’t visualize my loved ones, my parents, nothing at all. In fact, I used to think that visualization was a bit of wordplay. I didn’t think people can literally count sheep in their minds or visualize their “happy place.” I certainly cannot.

I appreciate any advice or insight. Thank you.

ETA: spelling corrections. ETA: I read the recommended posts. I will let go of impossibility. Thank you.