Does it get better, and can/should I lose weight when I can??

TLDR: Is there a way to "trick" cravings into a healthier direction, and can you lose weight after the first trimester w/out endangering baby?

Sorry to do a "panic" post, but I'm looking for some advice/reassurance about getting through to the other side of the 1st tri sickness...

I grew up in a pretty unhealthy family, but when I started dating my now husband, he opened my eyes to how good working out and eating good could be! For 10 years I've been working out at least two times a week (though the pandemic through a wrench in there for a bit...), mostly vegetarian, only eat whole grains, minimal processed food, etc. etc. I never really got "hungry", mostly grazed and only had maybe 1-2 real "meals" per day.

Then, I get pregnant. And get really sick.

The only thing that helps the sickness is (1) Don't stop eating - If I go too long without eating (like 15 minutes) the nausea becomes crazy, and (2) Eat what I'm craving - which changes every day and is NEVER anything healthy, always trash. I'm talking burgers, fries, pizza, sooo much ramen... when I try to eat smoothies or nuts, I feel sick. I also feel too nauseous to even think about exercise, aside from walking my dog around the block and some core compressions I'm trying to minimize the diastasis recti.

This has led me to start gaining weight pretty quickly... I know a lot of people say you can usually get back to some exercise after the first trimester, but I worry I will have gained so much weight and lost ALL my muscle by then, so it'll be impossible to start working out again. Or I'll have to buy all new clothes or something... anyways, any thoughts or advice are appreciated! Hope you all have a lovely day ❤️