WT Study Article 9/19-9/25

Hi everyone! I missed last week's article because I was gone camping and completely unplugged for the week... I'm back and ready for another great Watchtower study. This week's article (July 2016 Study edition pg. 26) is:

”Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness”


”Spread Our Message of Self-Loathing”

Par. 1- Paul was very much aware that he had neither earned nor deserved God’s great mercy, having been a former persecutor of Christians.

Paul is set up as a positive example of someone who thinks that he is worth doodley squat, that is, unless an alien being outside of space and time offers him mercy that he can't earn and doesn't deserve.

Par. 2- Paul told the elders of the congregation in Ephesus what it included, stating: “I do not consider my own life of any importance to me...

Are you noticing a theme here? Watchtower, using Paul as a ventriloquist dummy, wants to convince the rank and file that their life is meaningless if they aren't following the Governing Body's orders and clocking hours in the preaching work.

Par. 3- Paul had been commissioned to spread the good news to non-Jews so that they too could be included among those called to be associated with Christ in the Messianic Kingdom government.

Jesus has failed in 2,000 years to find 144,000 followers to work in his heavenly dictatorship. Apparently he still needs a few more overlapping generations. Maybe he should start a YouTube channel?

Par. 4- Do we individually imitate Paul in showing gratitude for Jehovah’s undeserved kindness by zealously sharing in the ministry?

Or do we waste huge amounts of resources and man hours buying and selling real estate, building a new lakefront headquarters or printing billions of pieces of sacred toilet paper?

Par. 5- In the preceding article, we learned how we as sinners are benefiting from Jehovah’s undeserved kindness in many ways. We therefore owe it to all people to do our utmost to make known to them how Jehovah is expressing his love and how they can benefit from it personally.

In the preceding article, we made up a bunch of imaginary benefits of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. We therefore owe it to all people to to do our utmost to make known to them how sinful and dirty they are so they can grovel at Jehovah's feet.

Par. 6- In this permissive world, sin has all but lost its stigma, so that many are unaware of the need for redemption.

This is a wonderful thing! When we stop stigmatizing certain parts of ourselves, we can start showing ourselves a little compassion and feel some true relief.

Par. 6- At the same time, more and more people can see that a permissive lifestyle does not bring true happiness.

But a life that is micromanaged by a cult does bring true happiness. Wouldn't we all be truly happy being closeted or repressed members of a totalitarian religion?

Par. 6- Until they talk with Jehovah’s Witnesses, many do not understand what sin is, how it affects us, and what we need to do to be delivered from slavery to sin.

Until they talk with any fundamentalist group that is... People must learn from Jehovah's Witnesses that they are broken, that they should dislike and distrust themselves and that the only solution is to accept the Lord Watchtower into their hearts. Got it!

Par. 7- What a relief it is to learn that if we exercise faith in the shed blood of Jesus, our sins will be forgiven and our conscience will be cleansed! (Heb. 9:14) Good news indeed to share with others!

Brother Needgreater: Good morning! I'm just sharing some good news with my neighbors this morning. You are a sinner and have a dirty conscience but thankfully God sent his own son to earth to be killed so that you can be fixed. All you have to do is have faith in the blood that poured out of him when a Roman soldier stuck a spear in his side. How do you exercise faith in blood? Simple: by obeying the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. If you do, your sins will be forgiven and your conscience will be cleansed.

Householder: Now that's good news!

Par. 8- Happily, Christ’s sacrifice makes reconciliation with God possible. Paul declared: “You who were once alienated and enemies because your minds were on the works that were wicked, he has now reconciled by means of that one’s fleshly body through his death.”

I always hated the stupid concept that we are God's enemies just for being born. God judges babies as wicked and worthy of death because they are born with the stain of sin. Who wants a relationship with someone like that?

Par. 9- Christ has given his anointed brothers on earth what Paul calls “the ministry of the reconciliation (...)”Therefore, we are ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. As substitutes for Christ, we beg: ‘Become reconciled to God.’”

If Jesus chose the anointed brothers of the Watchtower, he is a dumbass. He chose a group of intellectually dishonest, incompetent and theologically constipated men that have the hubris to think: ”My word is as good as God's word. I'm the only one that can help you know God.”

Par. 10- The “other sheep” count it a privilege to help their anointed brothers in this ministry.

Correction: The "other sheep" are obligated and coerced through guilt and shaming to distribute cult propaganda. The only thing they count as a privilege are the long mid-morning coffee breaks.

Par. 11- Many people pray because it makes them feel good, but they do not really believe that God hears their prayers.

First, how do you fucking know what people believe? This stuff pisses me off! Watchtower apparently has a free pass into people's thoughts and beliefs.

Second, prayer is essentially an exercise in feeling good. How could you possibly know if an invisible being, that doesn't communicate verbally or answer prayers in any structured, measurable way is listening or not?

Par. 12- How good it is to teach others that far from being a mere psychological crutch, prayer is a wonderful means of approaching Jehovah’s “throne of undeserved kindness”! (Heb. 4:16) By teaching them to pray in the right way, to the right Person, and for the right things, we can help them draw close to Jehovah and find comfort during times of distress.—

It's more of a psychological wheelchair than a crutch. Pray to whoever the fuck you want, however the fuck you want and ask for whatever the fuck you want and see what happens.

Two things are offered here: Draw close to Jehovah and find comfort - excuse me... but those are psychological crutches (wheelchairs) and nothing more. Be free! Get out of the wheelchair and walk on your own two secular humanist legs.

Par. 13- Jehovah’s undeserved kindness will reach beyond the end of the present wicked system of things.

Edit: Jehovah's undeserved kindness will reach beyond the genocide of billions of people.

The writing department doesn't notice how absurd this sentence is.

Par. 14- It is difficult to imagine the wonders that Jehovah has in store for anointed Christians when they are seated on thrones to rule with Christ in heaven.

Oh the wonders that await them: unlimited ice cream, killing people, 70 virgins, groveling at Jehovah's feet, playing ping pong, having wings and wearing no pants.

Par. 15- They will share with Jesus in “the healing of the nations,” directing obedient humans to the means to become free from the burden of sin and death and raising them to perfection.

Why would they go to heaven to do this? Aren't they already trying to do this as Jesus' ambassadors on earth? They are going to go from being earthly dictators to heavenly dictators. Anthony Morris will really be able to crack down on exercise clothing when he is clothed in tight immortality.

Maybe you noticed this in the paradise/ resurrection video from this year's regional convention. Watch the video and notice how everybody is wearing a huge ass baggy, frumpy shirt. AM3 can't wait!

Par. 16- Millions of humans who died without knowing God will also be resurrected. They will be given an opportunity to submit to Jehovah’s sovereignty.

So if JWs stopped preaching more people would be saved? They have the opportunity to be resurrected into a paradise world that actually provides evidence for God's existence. Nah, Watchtower would rather see people have fireballs dropped on their heads for not listening to them.

”Given an opportunity” Translation: Required to submit or be killed.

Par. 16 Of course, those resurrected will be required to learn how to apply the godly principles that are found in the Bible. In addition, they will have to follow new beneficial instructions that will be revealed in “the scrolls” outlining Jehovah’s requirements for living in the new system of things.

Great, now I have to follow the rules of two Bibles... I bet "the scrolls” will be leaked on EXJW Reddit by u/wifibandit before the new system of things.

Par. 17- More than ever, our mission as the end nears is to preach the good news of the Kingdom!

Yay! Get out there and stand by those carts looking bored out of your minds!

Par. 18- As we witness to others, we can explain that under Christ’s Kingdom rule, mankind will benefit from the full application of the ransom sacrifice and will gradually be brought to perfection.

Mankind hasn't benefited at all from Christ's kingdom rule, unless you consider World War 1 a good thing.

An illustration on the application of the ransom sacrifice: you are suffering from bad hemorrhoids so you go to the store and buy a tube of Preperation H but when you return home you decide not to apply it. There is no relief and the hemorrhoids are getting worse but you refuse to apply it. Others are begging you to use it. What are you waiting for? You've paid for it, you know how to do it but for some reason you won't fully apply the medicine. You must enjoy the suffering and pain.

Jehovah and Jesus must enjoy the pain and suffering. What other reason is there to wait thousands of years to apply the ransom?

Finally, it seems that Jehovah only wants perfect people around and that makes him an elitist douchebag.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to your comments you dirty, sinful heathens!