Just had a lady try to witness to me 😂

So I just had an older lady come into my place of work and I helped her with a few things and picked out a few products that would help her with a project she's doing.

She then pulls out a contact card and tells me about the website and I put my hand up and say, "no thank you". She was obviously from the era of conversation stoppers because this lady proceeded to say, "may I ask why?" Told her that I've had bad experiences with organized religion and that I feel like it's not a fit for my beliefs and that I have been to a Kingdom Hall a few times before 😉

She quoted Psalm 83:18 and we started down a conversation of ancient religions and how YHWH started his tenure as a sky god like Zeus and Jupiter and how YHWH was under El in the pantheon of Baal gods and worked his way up the rankings by amasing a following (which actually seemed to intrigue her and she asked me where I had found that so I told her there were a few articles online as well as some historian videos on YouTube).

She definitely didn't know where to go from there and changed the topic to how bad the world is, which I agreed that there's definitely some moral issues, but that for the most part it's really encouraging to see people coming together and uniting over injustices and differences as a collective and that I feel like that's really what Jesus was encouraging when he was on earth. He spent a lot of time with tax collectors, prostitutes, and people that were severely looked down on but treated them all equally and that I feel that's really what I see people pushing for today. (Again, she had to pivot because she had no way to preach to that 😂)

Referenced the Egyptian Book of The Dead and how beautiful some of their beliefs in the afterlife were and a few other things that got lost in the shuffle but thought I'd share the story because it was definitely interesting being on the receiving end of a "witness" 😅 sweet lady otherwise though!