Can’t wear anything with rainbows on it

I sent a picture to my PIMI sister of Hello Kitty and friends rainbow shirt I got yesterday and said that she and mom need these. She said it’s cute but she can’t have anything with rainbows on it because it’s associated with LBGTQ. I told her that I knew god didn’t CREATE THE RAINBOW.

I also sent scriptures that say don’t call bad what god has said is good and also about attributing to Satan what god used Holly spirit to create, unforgivable sin. Also I mentioned the Pharisees tying heavy loads on the people.

I told my never a JW husband and he said she and my mom are way out there in their thinking.

She has responded with self righteous answers to my simple chats so much that I feel it’s is really straining the relationship. I’m just tired of the stupidity of it all. How do you continue a relationship with a super fundy when they are so high maintenance like this? I love them but it’s exhausting. We were all born in.