Where did Borislav Milanov/Joachim Bo Persson go?

With the news that Bulgaria has no willpower to return to Eurovision for the time being, which is upsetting particularly given the difficulties with issues like Israel, both with its feuds with North Atlantic nations internationally and the situation with Kan domestically, means that we need to have more nations participating than just the 37/38, that we have had for the last 3 years, It has made me wonder the following.

Given that, from 2016 to 2021, he was producing some strong entries, including his country's in 2016-18, Austria, his country of basis, in the latter year, Azerbaijan in 2019, my personal fave entry that year, and 3 of my personal 2020 top 10 (Malta, Bulgaria and Germany), it's sad that Borislav Milanov has appeared to vanish off the face of the earth. He did the interview in 2020, about the effect of wiping off the entire contest, on songwriters (though my well known top 2 that year were both entries written entirely by their respective singers, and 2020 began a major trend for that which continues to this day), and, since than, he has barely been seen.

Is Bulgaria's withdrawal a reason why, even though he was great with other countries too? Is Russia's end also a reason why, even though he never worked on any entry of theirs? Is his wife Tamara Gachedlidze being implied to be government loyal (contrary to the pro-EU nature of her former bandmates who did the most famous namedrop of all) another factor?

Why has he turned from ubiquitous to vanishing just like that?