God has nothing to do with religion.

No matter what you've been through or how much you hate the religion that you grew up with or any other religion. Don't turn your back on God or better said your Soul/Higher Self.

Your relationship with God should be personal and nobody else's buisness.

Religions were written by Men to steal away your power, we are all waves of that Blissful ocean of Light & Love.

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. -Rumi.

Surrendering to God means surrendering your ego & overcoming selfishness and connecting with that universal consciousness.

Those that have tasted ''THAT'' Be it through Prayer,Near death experience,Meditation,Psychadelics, know exactly what i'm talking about.

Religions have been dividing us for thousands of years , we've grown past them & we've evolved enough to know what's morally right or wrong.

They may have served us at one point,But ''WE'' as a Collective Consciousness have to surpass this dividing between us and realise that, not we but ''ALL IS ONE'' that includes this planet & all the other life species we share this planet with.

God does NOT want you to sacrafice any animal for him, if you think about it deeply, it's quite sickening actually. Every living being on this planet wants to be happy,you might use the argument ( Yeah but animals kill/eat each other too )

We're NOT animals , maybe we've been in the past but we've evolved past that,i'm not saying you should eat this or eat that , just please be conscious of what you're putting into your body.