Does anyone else work a part time job?
I retired at almost 54. I have a great pension that I get now land retirement accounts that I can’t touch until 59.5. Part of my retirement is medical benefits at the same cost as when I was an active employee (50 a month). I am mostly debt free (house, car, and about 4 months more of medical debt). I retired early because of an illness that has had lasting effects. After being a professional for my work life, I got a part time job when I moved to my new state to be near my only kid and his wife. It’s a much more LCOL area than where I was. I could make ends meet if I lived a crazy bean counting life, but I like to go out with friends and do things!
Anyone else working PT? I fell into a job at my pharmacy after chatting with the pharmacy manager, who offered me a job on the spot! I waited a month to start, but I’m really enjoy learning new things and using my brain. This is a very different field than what I was in, which was really cool. I like having somewhere I have to be a few days a week. I work 3 days a week, and I love the spending money!! I still put 5% into my retirement, too. 🤣.