Whats about MXE/Ketamin Derivates which dont exist yet?
Lets talk about MXE/Ketamine derivates/analouges which not exist yet?
Whats about MXE/Ketamin Derivates which dont exist yet?
Like we know that 3-MeO-2‘-Oxo-PCE ist MXE.
2-Oxo-PCM is Deschloroketamine
3-Me-2‘-Oxo-PCE is DMXE (Deoxy MXE) Without the O. Only with Me Lacks a Little of the Magic of MXE.
So what If someone makes
3-MeO-2‘-Oxo-PCM should be more NMDA, Like Ket without the PCE with more Opioid Like effects because of the 3-Methoxy-Substitution. The 2‘-Oxo would be Like 2-Oxo-PCE which is O-PCE, this is Stimulation with Dissociation, very strong and Can get little confusing because of the PCE (because of the SIGMA Receptor)
PCP interacts mostly with SIGMA that because you meet the Devil in Person!!
N-Ethylnorketamine (ethketamine, NENK, 2-Cl-2'-Oxo-PCE) also interesting.
So it would be Methoxmetamine (MXM) 3-MeO-2‘-Oxo-PCM.
MethoxEtamine (MXE) 3-MeO-2‘-Oxo-PCE.
Also Interesting: 3-HO-3'MeO-PCM (HXM)
The only thing we dont have on Google or Wiki is 3-Hydroxymethoxymetamine (3-Hydroxmethoxmetamine) 3-HO-MXM = 3-HO-3‘-MeO-PCM
3-MeO-3‘-HO-PCM would be more Opioid because of the HO + MeO. MeO would make it also more Serotogenic effects Like 3-MeO-PCX maybe.
As we know: 3-Methoxy-substitution the pain-relieving effect of the MXE by binding to the µ1-opioid receptor is more pronounced than in ketamine; in contrast to the dissociative effect, which is less pronounced.
Would be 3-Hydroxymethoxyethylmetamine? (3-Hydroxmethoxethymetamine)
Which would be more Opioid, more Ketamine Like, with also the Sertogenic effects Like 3-MeO-PCX. Without the Sigma Interaction an strong NMDA affinity.
They also should be more all potent than Ketamine on NMDA, but also longer lasting and and more Opioid effects, Not as stimulating and getting Crazy Like the SIGMA Interaction from the well known PCP. Because of the 3-Hydroxy (Like 3-HO-PCP it would be also Opioid interactions)
What is with 3-Cl-PCE:
We only know this: https://isomerdesign.com/pihkal/explore/9120
Also maybe do the 3-Cl-3’-MeO-PCM
or the 3-Cl-3‘-MeO-2‘-Oxo-PCM
The IR spectrum strongly suggested the presence of a carbonyl group making it likely to be a “ketamine like” product – but definitely not ketamine, and probably not 2-FDCK [a known ketamine analogue (2-flurodeschloroketamine)],’ says Mal McLeod, chemistry lead at CanTEST and associate professor of chemistry at the Australian National University (ANU).
In this case, the team took the sample to the lab at ANU. Data from GC-MS correlated closely with a ketamine derivative known as fluorexetamine. But NMR spectrometry helped the team figure out that there were four hydrogens next to each other around the aromatic ring, meaning that it could not be fluorexetamine. They established that it was an analogue of ketamine, now dubbed 2F-NENDCK, that had lost its chlorine, and gained a fluorine and an ethyl group in place of a methyl group.