I hate myself
There’s 3 things I can’t stand about myself. 1. I’m in bad health physically and mentally and I’m disabled. 2. I look ugly. And 3. I have no one to talk to because of the other 2 and am often teased at college. To explain. 1 - I have severe environmental/dander/scent related allergies. They are so severe that I sneeze 3-6 or even 7 hours a day on a bad day. I can’t take any more medicine because I’m on so many as of now, my doctors say it’ll be too dangerous. My allergies r so severe all my medicine does is make it less worse but it’s still awful. I have cerebral palsy which affects luckily only my legs but I walk slow and awkwardly and use a cane because of my balance issues. I’m immune compromised and get sick very often, it’s even worse considering I’m living in a dorm at college. So that’s that. 2 - I’m short, kinda chubby, have no muscle, and have a huge nose and very very thick frizzy n super curly long hair that I struggle to manage, struggle to afford products and my hair is still frizzy. So that’s that issue. 3 - even though I’m in the honor choir at my college and I joined the organization for my major, I still haven’t made any friends probably for the sneezing and my appearance, and when I try I get rejected which hurts. So I’m looking for friends who care. And also I get teased about mainly my hair but occasionally my health. So yeah it’s not great. I hate myself