Aunty who posts grandmothers dementia online
I just wanted to see what people think about family members doing daily posts including photos and videos online of their grandparents who are deteriorating with dementia.
Bit of background, my granny who is a Scottish hard proud lady was diagnosed with dementia 4 years ago and has sadly been deteriorating quite a lot. I am a health professional and support families and people who have dementia on a daily basis. One of the main things people who have dementia tell me is that they don’t want people to see them when they start to truely deteriorate and become someone they don’t know.
My granny ALWAYS said “I don’t care what happens to me but as long as I have my hair done, my teeth in and my lipstick on then I’ll be fine”.
My Aunty who has been visiting and supporting her most days has been sharing granny’s journey online posting daily at times. My Aunty does not have many friends and has been very rude to my family my whole life. She is additionally a person who makes up stories including saying my nephew went to hospital (when he didn’t) for sympathy.
She has started posting photos of granny in a high-low bed, looking very unwell. Videos of her drooling. Videos of her talking incoherently and looking dazed.
Today I had to say something in regards to her dignity as I know she wouldn’t have ever wanted that online. My Aunty SNAPPED said many horrible things in response then hung up. I understand people grieve in their own way but am I wrong for saying something to keep granny’s dignity? Has anyone else experienced something similar?