What is the deal with ISKCON folks selling Bhagwatgeeta at traffic lights?

I recently moved to Dwarka and have noticed that traffic lights, especially around ISKCON Dwarka 13 are filled with these guys in white dhoti who are roaming around selling copies of Geeta to people who stop at the red light.

One of them approached me and started talking about some holy month going on where they are distributing (selling) copies with a very low price so everyone can experience spirituality. Then he started talking about ISKCON and how people donate a lot of money for their cause and bla bla bla...basically guilt tripping me to donate + buy book. The dude was very persistent and kept knocking even after I rolled up the window, thankfully I didn't give him a rupee!

Are these real ISKCON people or some scamsters? Why do they have to stoop so low and harass others