Is Debian good for daily use?

Hello. I have a question about Debian OS in regards to security. I have this desktop from around 2013 and as you know it won't be able to upgrade to Windows 11. I am not a computer expert but I have learned my way around the Linux world (distro-hopping) by reading articles and videos. I like Debian quite a lot as it is the base for so many other distros like Ubuntu. Plus, I like the fact that most apps are there for Debian based OS (apt).

My query is that I'd like to know how secure is it as an OS for a casual home user? I recently read some comments like Debian being on old packages make it insecure for daily use. I get the idea that this is important for stability but does this mean that if there is a vulnerability, Debian would be affected more when compared to other distros from Linux like Ubuntu, Fedora etc?

I hope my question is clear. I am not trying to start a debate but I am trying to understand the security aspect of Debian from a non-tech person's perspective.
