Starvation - Hunger vs. Booze
Bear with me, this one is a bit long, but hopefully sparks some interest. I'm wondering whether anyone else has experienced "hunger" for alcohol, the same way people have for food.
Has anyone heard of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment? Essentially, it was a study conducted to better understand human starvation, and the physical impacts towards the end of WWII. Much of what we know about how starvation shapes us physiologically is a result of these experiments. Listening to the experiences of those men was enlightening for many reasons, but one in particular I found fascinating was Lester Glick, highlighted in Malcom Gladwell's Revisionist History Podcast. Hearing the way he described hunger resonated very clearly with how I craved alcohol.
I guess what I'm asking is, have others felt this? I think this is part of the indescribable part of addiction - the sheer despair surrounding alcohol in every way.
Regardless, I thought it was an interesting parallel - I seem to unconsciously look for parallels for addiction, because I feel like it is so poorly understood by those who haven't experienced it.