Fuck eating

Did you eat?

Eat something!

You will feel better!

NO you fucking retard I'm not going to feel better. I'm going to feel nauseous I'm going to throw it back up in the food is going to be waste. It takes too long to chew and swallowing is a pain in the ass

So fuck food. Alcohol has calories and vitamins are a thing so maybe they should just do what the fuck they're supposed to do.

I don't know why people are so insistent on people just stopping and just starting to fucking eat as if that's a magical thing if it's going to switch something as if it's even wanted.

So fuck it. If I die I die at least I'll die feeling good for once my life. And if that makes you sad or hurts you in some way well fuck you because guess what you're part of the reason I'm in pain to you cunt. I don't know how people can blame others for their actions when those that are supposed to be there never are, and others are confused as if there's no logical reason for self-destruction apathy or just a simple yearning to feel pleasure.

It must be nice to be either so simple, or have such an easy life whatever the case may be.

It's not just alcohol either eating to gain muscle is a pain in the ass I know it's a lot of fat fucks wet dream to just eat eat as much as they want, but you know fuck them

So this is a rant from my cyclical Eternal mind from my crippling alcoholism days. I'm in a bad mood so naturally the worst shows up it's just catharted to tell it what like it is.

Some people hear Grumble behind my back or judging as if I don't belong here and maybe I'm not as bad as I once was, but you'll pardon me if I haven't gone so far as to cross the yellow Bridge or rip an IV out but pretty much everything else applied to me. So if you got a problem with that or think I'm faking then I will say it to your face fuck you too you dumb cunt ( this is literally addressed to nobody in particular, because nobody had the balls to say it to my face except for you know the occasional AA degenerate.)

So there you have it, full on CA post from my mind which has been the same since I was 10 years old. Of course I wasn't drinking back then. But no post-promoting marijuana, no post about how oh my God my tolerance is so low I actually got drunk off of three beers, no post about my ass hurting or whatever it was that was trying to be comical, just a full on CA post. It's a real one, even if it's still a memory.

Everybody besides people telling me to eat and judgmental assholes, cheers.