Do y'all also feel unsafe venting online?
This sub does a good job of moderation, trolls are promptly kicked out which is great. But I still don't feel safe venting online (about race) at all because there's always some obsessive weirdo trying to use racial trauma to stroke their own egos
Its creepy, its weird, there's probably a race obsessed weirdo that is going to read this post and probably downvote it because they don't like what's being said lol. I've had that happen before
You speak the truth about racism (coming from literally anyone, not just yts but especially them. they're the most likely to go dm you too. I haven't had trolls from this sub dm me but on different subs) and you either get downvotes or a bunch of excuses.
I don't like the idea of someone using the same experiences they deny exist to prop up their own fragile self esteem.