Have you vaccineted again or do you intend to?

Disclaimer: I'm 100% pro vaccine! I just want to know peoples thoughts about it after the long haul.

I've already told my story around here and commented in a few posts. I'm a doctor from Brazil, and have been suffering with chest pains for almost 5 months after a "flu like" disease I didn't bother to test. I knew about long covid's existence, but didn't have dimension of how frequent and serious of a problem it could be. Well, now I know...

Anyway, to the question: Have you vaccineted again after the long haul? If not, do you intend to?

I'm asking this because, being completely sincere, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of NOT taking the shot and then getting covid again and that it might worsen my condition. I'm also afraid that taking another shot might, too, worsen my condition.

I admit that, even though I work in the field, I don't know what to do from now on. I want to know your thoughts on this matter.