Anniversary or SoD?

Recently I've been playing anniversary, and I like the classic slow paced leveling, however I also enjoy SoD and it's runes and weirdness. I want to play primarily only one, though. I will be rolling a belf Paladin once TBC drops in anniversary, but starting fresh 1 to 70 or w/e cap is. Rn, I'm just trying to see what to I should sink my time into. I am a turbo casual (think dad gamer) and don't plan to raid, parse, and barely even do dungeons, mainly solo questing. Ive been playing warlock on anniversary and SoD, and I think that's my true calling for classes.

Should I go back to SoD until TBC drops? It seems more casual friendly, but anniversary doesn't seem casual unfriendly. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Also, For the Horde. I'm never rolling Alliance unless my gf starts playing and wants to, so I'm gonna be seeing Horde content only.