Thunderstrike EU - Horde players

Hello everyone.

I was wondering, for those playing Horde on the EU server Thunderstrike, how your experience has been? Do you have issues to find groups for dungeons and even for raids?

Today it marks 1 month since Classic Fresh has been out, unfortunately due to irl reasons i have not been able to play as much as i would want yet, i have a character at level 11 on Alliance, now i hear that Alliance has more population on the server which can make things easier when it comes to find groups i guess, people say that Alliance is better for PvP due to the racials and others say that Horde is more organized in the chaos of the battlegrounds.

The consensus is also that people seem to agree that coming TBC Horde will see more players joining the Horde side due to paladins being available to Blood Elfs, but yet Alliance gets Shamans.

Or maybe the plain truth is that in terms of the PvE scene, Alliance always has more people?