CMV: I think companies should pay their employees rather than relying on me to tip

Before we begin, mean/rude commenters will be immediately blocked!!!

I don't tip unless I've had exceptional service. Imo, the item is expensive enough, and there are already fees for delivery that I pay to the company. I feel that driving something to my house and leaving it on the doorstep doesn't warrant a tip from me.

I currently order from Walmart; Walmart does the shopping, and an uber service delivers the food to my house. Since Walmart already has a delivery fee I pay per year, I feel that I should only be paying for the items, as picking up bags, that Walmart has already bagged, and driving 9 minutes to my house does not constitute as exceptional service. Dominos also has a fee for delivery; Shouldn't we petition them to give that money the driver?? Why does the burden fall on me...

Imo we should petition dominos and Walmart to pay their employees rather than rely on me, who is living paycheck to paycheck, to pay more than what the item is worth. It's not my fault that they aren't getting paid by their company; why not direct that anger towards the company rather than me, who will probably NEVER tip. I could hear the pizza delivery drivers grumble as they left my pizza on the doorstep, and I used to get terrible stomach aches some nights when i didn't tip; I only order packaged foods now. Haven't had a stomach ache problem since.