Men Don’t Give a Fuck About Their Kids

Let’s just cut the sugarcoating and say it: most men don’t give a single fuck about their kids. Sure, they say they care, they’ll post a cute picture on Instagram, maybe toss a ball around on the weekend, but when it comes to the actual work of parenting? These fuckers are nowhere to be found. Women are out here breaking their bodies, losing their identities, and sacrificing every damn thing for their kids while men sit back, completely untouched by the chaos. Their bodies are intact. Their lives, their sense of self? Still perfectly whole. Meanwhile, women get ground into dust just to keep everything afloat.

A woman can be sick, starving, sleep-deprived, or on the verge of a fucking breakdown, and no one cares. She still has to get up, feed the kids, clean the house, go to work, and do it all over again. No breaks. No sympathy. But a man? Oh, he’s “tired” from work, so he gets to sit on the couch and call it a day. Or worse, he doesn’t even see what needs to be done. He doesn’t think about the groceries, the laundry, the doctor’s appointments, the homework. That’s all her job. And if she dares complain? “Well, you’re just better at it than me.” Fucking spare me.

These guys are coasting through parenthood while women are drowning. Women’s bodies are wrecked from pregnancy and childbirth. Their hormones are a mess. They’re dealing with postpartum depression, sleepless nights, and the physical toll of raising kids, but they still show up every single day. And men? They don’t have to sacrifice anything. They don’t lose their bodies, their time, or their careers in the same way. They don’t even lose sleep half the time because they expect her to get up with the baby.

And let’s talk about identity. Women are forced to become “mom” and nothing else. Their dreams, hobbies, and ambitions? Put on hold, or gone entirely, because now they have to be the default parent. Men? They get to keep being who they’ve always been. No one asks them to give up their career or their free time. No one questions their worth outside of parenthood. They get to keep being men, while women lose everything that made them feel like a person.

Even when a woman is sick, hungry, or completely burned out, no one gives a damn. She still has to keep going because the kids need her, and no one else is stepping up. Men don’t think twice about leaving all the heavy lifting to her because they know she’ll do it. She has to do it. And the world? It just shrugs and says, “That’s what moms do.”

And let’s not even get started on divorced dads. The majority of men don’t even fight for custody. They don’t want the full-time responsibility because they know how much work it actually is. They’re perfectly happy being the “fun dad” who swoops in for a weekend visit while mom continues to bust her ass raising the kids alone. And yet, they’ll still have the audacity to cry about how “unfair” the courts are.

Men have the luxury of coasting through parenthood, and society lets them. They’re applauded for doing the bare minimum while women are shamed for not being perfect. It’s disgusting. If men actually cared about their kids, they’d show up—really show up—not just when it’s convenient or when they feel like playing daddy for a photo op.

But they don’t. Because deep down, they know someone else will always pick up the slack. And that someone is almost always a woman who’s exhausted, broken, and ignored. Fuck that. Women deserve better. Kids deserve better. And men need to stop hiding behind their excuses and start being better. No applause. No pats on the back. Just do the damn work.