How do i learn to dribble

How do i learn to dribble efficiently. Sometimes i just do random skills in front of someone and the guy isn’t even trying to mark me and then the ball just starts slipping away from me or idk i get clumsy, it’s so weird. There is a guy i know this guy has amazing strength and can dribble in tight spaces. I have good strength but i need to learn how to do like 2 or 3 step overs to dribble past someone not to just do 1 step over when I’m not even close to anyone just to get close to them and then lose the ball. Sometimes i wonder how Ronaldo does it when he’s frickin 6’2 and im 6’1 and can’t even control my self probably cause i got long legs, I’m not sure but there has to be away I can dribble efficiently too in tight spaces. I want to be really good at soccer if not the best.