Wolf Hall, 2666, or Warlock
TL;DR - Which of these books should I dive into first?
I am a compulsive book buyer. I visit the bookstore at a retrospectively-alarming rate and 90% of the time, I’m walking out of the store with a new purchase, whether I “need” it or not. I’m on vacation currently, and in my perusing of the local bookstore scene, these are the books I’ve brought back to the hotel with me.
I don’t expect many/any of you to have read all of the titles listed in the header, but if you could give me a sales pitch for your favorite of the bunch, I’ll plan on cracking open the most interesting one first.
What drew me to the books listed? Pynchon’s forward for this NYRB edition of Warlock (Mason & Dixon and The Crying of Lot 49 are very dear to me) and my general appreciation for Westerns (eg, Lonesome Dove, and McCarthy’s Border trilogy); the acclaim for the Wolf Hall trilogy and my general interest in the Tudor period; I haven’t read much Latin American literature, but 2666 has been lingering on my TBR for years, and I do love good crime fiction (Don Winslow’s the Power of the Dog comes to mind).
Looking forward to the replies! 📚