Drool and Trains

Hello folks, I have a day set to have my tongue split in about two weeks, and I'm finalizing my plans regarding travel. I am traveling by train to and from another state for my procedure.

I know everyone says I will likely drool a LOT the first couple days. What would be the best way to manage the drool while I am on the train ride? I'm especially interested in hearing what OTC meds I could use to help reduce swelling.

I intend to purchase a private roomette that would allow me to lie down, and mainly keep me from drooling on other passengers. However, I will still need to wait it out in the train station for a couple hours between when I check out of my hotel and when my train departs. What is the best way to manage drool while in public?

I already intend to pack some towels and paper towels to help manage containing the drool, as well as a trash bag or two to dispose of them in, but I'm open to any additional tips.