Mod to replace Delirium?

I've recently started playing the game and I haven't seen this boss much, but from the times I've fought Delirium, it just... sucks? Like, it's not fun. It's not necessarily a matter of forced damage, because Isaac isn't a game designed around no-hit runs anyways... It's just that this boss isn't designed, at all.

I use "Improved and Reworked Foes" (great mod btw) and inexplicably, the mod does nothing to Delirium. I don't even want a fancy rework, I just want the boss replaced outright, because I'm not particularly attached to the "constantly transform into other bosses" idea in the first place (it sounds cool on paper but is total dogshit no matter how it's implemented).

If anyone knows of a mod that just replaces the boss outright, then please tell me, because I've looked and I haven't seen it yet.