Pictures at Daycare

I have this moral dilemma that I’m trying to get some perspective on. I’ll try to make this short & sweet. I have this acquaintance that I follow on social media. She recently got a job working at a daycare. Lately on her instagram, she’s been posting pictures & videos of the children she works with. It looks like she mostly tries to cover their faces with a text block or scribbles, however sometimes if it’s a video, when the camera moves, whatever she used to cover the face won’t exactly line up anymore & the child will become exposed. One time she even posted a video where the child’s face was completely seen & she added his name in the caption. This woman also does OF, so she’ll market her adult content on her instagram as well. So occasionally, she post a story of the children at daycare, & then a few stories later will be an explicit image of herself to promote her OF. I don’t have a problem with OF, but she fact that she uses her instagram to post these children (most likely without the parent’s knowledge or permission) to an audience of people who most likely follow her for her adult content just makes my momma heart nervous. If I dropped my child off at a daycare & found out he was being posted on someone’s social media like that without me even aware of it, I would be livid. Part of me wants to let the daycare know, but part of me wonders if I’m overreacting. I don’t want to cost someone their job. What would you do in this situation. Genuinely looking for advice!