Continuing to get s?!* kicked out of me postpartum 😫

I’m 7 months postpartum and have been in PT for as many months dealing with intense SI joint/pelvic/hip issues. Just as that is beginning to heal, I have been constipated for 6 weeks, my baby somehow has 4 teeth and bites me while nursing (and I exclusively nurse, smart choice on my part there I know), oh and this morning I woke up randomly with what feels like a pinched nerve somewhere in my neck/shoulder and the pain is so sharp and intense!! I can barely move. I just want to cry.

I had been feeling really good about healing. We’ve been going on 2 stroller walks a day, totaling 2 miles. I’m back to pre-baby weight. But I have never felt more like the s*!# is kicked out of me.

No other moms I know IRL seem to be dealing with this 😔 Please someone tell me it gets better