Off leash dogs and crazy owners
Hey! I'm just wondering how other people with dogs that don't respond well to other dogs coming near them handle all of these irresponsible dog owners who walk around with their dogs off leash with 0 awareness of where their dog is. My dog is an absolute sweetheart (ofc all dog owners say that about their dog, but she constantly gets compliments from other humans on how nice and sweet she is). But, she's afraid of other dogs, and will fight (usually not actually bite, but more scream and wail) some dogs that get too close to her. Most of the times I see the loose dog coming towards us and I have time to pick her up, but sometimes they come running out of nowhere, from behind, etc. Sometimes with an owner in tow saying "it's ok, it's friendly"... apparently being completely oblivious to the fact that my dog might not be so friendly.
I get that some people wanna go around with their dog off leash and risk their lives for the tiny satisfaction of not having to hold a leash, to each their own I guess. But when they get all up in my space, and risk the health of my dog, I wish I could be as aggressive towards that owner as my dog is towards their dog.
But I also recognise that my dog is not really a danger (she's pretty small too) to other dogs, and won't usually harm them - so how do people with dogs that are capable of inflicting real harm deal with this? And any tips on how to handle it in general? (and yes ofc training etc, I'm trying! but I can't not take her for walks until she's 100% comfortable with strangers dogs running up on her ass out of nowhere)