The "People’s" lie on how Hitler, Marx, and your Pastor all sell the same poison which is our surrender as "Virtue"

The "people’s car’' was never for the people, it was a noose around their necks, sold as a gift. Fascism, like all collectivist creeds, thrives on the lie that the individual exists to serve the mob, the state, or the ‘'greater good.’' The Volkswagen, birthed under Hitler’s regime, was not a triumph of engineering but of enslavement, a shiny toy dangled before the masses to mask the theft of their autonomy, their property, their minds. You wonder, what has this to do with morality? Everything. Collectivism, whether fascist, socialist, or religious, demands the same sacrifice, your life to their altar. The Bible commands, '‘Do nothing from selfish ambition, count others more significant than yourselves’' (Philippians 2:3-4). Hitler demanded self-sacrifice for the Fatherland, your God demands it for heaven. Both are peddlers of death, trading human potential for the hollow coin of obedience. The ‘'people’s car'’ was a weapon of control, just as your churches are factories of guilt. Both systems thrive on the same premise, you are unworthy. Unworthy to own, to aspire, to exist for your own sake. The fascist says, "Serve the state’', the preacher says, "Serve thy neighbor.’" Rand’s answer? "Serve reality.’' The car, the factory, the iPhone, these were not built by men who groveled. They were built by men who owned. To the Christian reader. Your God, like the fascist, condemns ‘'selfishness'’, the very force that lifts deserts into cities and cures plagues. Ask yourself, why must your virtue require surrender Why is ambition '‘sin,'’ while poverty is '‘piety'’? The '‘Volkswagen’' of your faith, the cross is a symbol not of love, but of sacrifice. It is the glorification of suffering, the worship of the noose. Here is the choice collectivism fears you will make, reject the ‘'gift’' of chains, build your car. Drive your destiny. The road to hell is paved with ‘'people’s’' good intentions. The road to heaven is built by selfish minds.

The "people’s car’' was never for the people, it was a noose around their necks, sold as a gift. Fascism, like all collectivist creeds, thrives on the lie that the individual exists to serve the mob, the state, or the ‘'greater good.’' The Volkswagen, birthed under Hitler’s regime, was not a triumph of engineering but of enslavement, a shiny toy dangled before the masses to mask the theft of their autonomy, their property, their minds. You wonder, what has this to do with morality? Everything. Collectivism, whether fascist, socialist, or religious, demands the same sacrifice, your life to their altar. The Bible commands, '‘Do nothing from selfish ambition, count others more significant than yourselves’' (Philippians 2:3-4). Hitler demanded self-sacrifice for the Fatherland, your God demands it for heaven. Both are peddlers of death, trading human potential for the hollow coin of obedience. The ‘'people’s car'’ was a weapon of control, just as your churches are factories of guilt. Both systems thrive on the same premise, you are unworthy. Unworthy to own, to aspire, to exist for your own sake. The fascist says, "Serve the state’', the preacher says, "Serve thy neighbor.’" Rand’s answer? "Serve reality.’' The car, the factory, the iPhone, these were not built by men who groveled. They were built by men who owned. To the Christian reader. Your God, like the fascist, condemns ‘'selfishness'’, the very force that lifts deserts into cities and cures plagues. Ask yourself, why must your virtue require surrender Why is ambition '‘sin,'’ while poverty is '‘piety'’? The '‘Volkswagen’' of your faith, the cross is a symbol not of love, but of sacrifice. It is the glorification of suffering, the worship of the noose. Here is the choice collectivism fears you will make, reject the ‘'gift’' of chains, build your car. Drive your destiny. The road to hell is paved with ‘'people’s’' good intentions. The road to heaven is built by selfish minds.