If Many Males with Autism Enjoy Trains, What Do Females Mostly Enjoy?

My boyfriend and I both have autism. He really likes trains. I hear a commonality for people with autism is the enjoyment of trains. But I haven't met a single woman with autism or otherwise that like trains all that much, myself included. I like travel, so sure, I like riding a train because it means I'm going somewhere new and that's always fun. But not much else about them.

His enjoyment of trains and the common joke/statement that many autistic males love them made me wonder what the female equivalent might be, if there is one. Is trains a common interest for a lot of autistic people regardless of gender, or are females notorious for liking something else a lot?

If I had to guess, I'd say it must be either animals or something creative like music, dance, art, etc,. based on personal experience from both myself and those I know. I studied animals for most of my childhood and still love them so much. But I'm the only person I know, beside my boyfriend, that loves animals to that degree. So I'm betting more on art or music being the common thing for females since I also love art and many autistic girls I've known also love either music or art.