The overlap of Astrology and Psychology
I work as a mental health counselor, but also find astrology interesting. Many of the correlations between astrology and personality, world events, etc. are fascinating to consider (at least for me). I wanted to see if psychological studies had been done, relating astrology to psychology. Not much is out there, and the few studies that are out there mainly used sun signs, ignoring everything else.
However, I did find some interesting research, related to birth month and increased likelihood of certain mental health diagnoses.
January: People born in January are more likely to develop schizophrenia and/or bipolar disorders (often both).
March: People born in March are more likely to have reoccuring depression
Seasonal Distribution of Psychiatric Births in England | PLOS ONE
August: This study only looked at males, but found that being born in August is correlated to increased rates of autism spectrum disorder diagnoses.
I could probably find more studies, but this is a reddit post, not a dissertation. Based on the months and their associated signs, what do others think?