[Spoilers Published] I love Sothoryos so much...

The concept of Sothoryos, the weird fish people, the basilisk isles are so intriguing I personally would not complain if George stated he was going to put twow on indefinite pause and just release a bunch of "A Song of the Jungle and the Sea" books or something like that. I can't stop dreaming up scenarios for this beautiful and terrifying setting and sometimes think about writing a fanfic just for how intriguing it is.


  • The politics of pirates and pirate kings. The safe havens these pirate kings inhabit and what they would be called ("Sailor's Point"? "Bloody Keep"? "The Fort of Starry Wisdom"?) and what they would look like. Keep in mind ASOIAF's tendency for exaggerating. Now exaggerate the world of pirates. What kind of terrible Havanas would await there? What barbarous, magnificent Black Beards?
  • Mages, magic, prophecy, and oily stone. The ghost of high heart? Pryat Pree? The south has people just like them, but accustomed to the untamed dangerous way of life found there. Picture solitary fishermen who carry forgotten secrets as they paddle like ghosts down narrow buzzing jungle rivers. Picture dark voodoo huts where pirates with nowhere else to go seek blessings from gods of the night, where all kinds of strange vile nostrum hang from the walls dried or in jars. Claws, eyeballs, blood samples. Imagine strange magical trees with legends known to locals and sailors alike. Unfamiliar and familiar magic would be found and practiced here. Parallels to the stuff found in Westeros and Essos or significantly different
  • Exploration. In my head, there are numerous more large islands similar to the summer islands/basilisks isle further south. This gives the space for the pirates and pirate kingdoms, as well as more conventional kingdoms and townsteads where merchants come and go and people of all stripe and color mingle.
  • Morality. Even in a place as untamed and wild as the south good men and women exist. Imagine a heroic Jon Snow bounty hunter. The southern equivalent of hedge knights in mainland sothoryos. Personally, reading about men and women struggling to do good (e.g. nearly every main series protag) knowing that they must commit evil is a pivotal element of all literature, all of our lives, and an element of ASOIAF I appreciate a lot. Keep in mind there will be places where lords and kings (or their southern parallel; magisters, merchant kings, plantation owners) could reside. Intelligent, educated people would live in this world and would have to face the struggles of conscience.