Too Budget???
This is a parts/budget build. Yes it’s ugly. Yes the paint job was done in 5 minutes while the wind was 15 mph. And yes, it’s only f-ing $300. Fight me. I threw a spare optic and magnifier on as well. Heck, I even did my background check and transfer fee with two other guns just to save a little more there. This is not my main AR, it’s the answer to a question - “How cheap could I build an AR, I have some spare crap anyway”
I plan on using it strictly as a range toy and something fun for new shooting to use and break when I show them the ropes; It looks like a damn storm trooper’s AR for Peet’s sake!
I’ll upgrade stuff when it breaks.
Ps. Sorry for the bad lighting and bad quality photos, it’s late and I wanted to share.